Because no two people are the same, nor are their challenges and issues, it is important to tailor therapy to clients' individual needs.
What can I help you with?

Individual Therapy
While life is an amazing wonder, it can also be complicated, challenging, frightening, frustrating and many other less-than-positive things. With the good comes with the bad, so how we deal and cope with that is extremely important. Sometimes, we need help. There’s nothing wrong with that. I’m here to give you the guidance, assistance and reassurance you need to deal with life’s challenges and difficulties in a healthy, positive way. Through individual therapy, I will work with you one-on-one to help you with any of the following issues and more:
- Anxiety
- Loss
- Depression
- Trauma
- Drug, alcohol or other addictions
- Challenges and difficulties with new motherhood
- Difficulty dealing with day-to-day life
Not sure you need help? You probably do if any of these feelings describe you:
- I continually worry about the same thing.
- I have a secret struggle, but no one I trust to share it with.
- I think I might need therapy, but I want to keep some control.
- I need someone to really listen to my feelings and issues.
- My struggle is negatively affecting other parts of my life.
- Therapy might be right for me, but would it fit into my life?
Is it time to find out how I can help you? I’m here when you are ready to take the first step.

Family Counseling
Families are the fundamental building blocks of the vast majority of societies and have been since ancient times. They nurture us, provide for us, establish our core values, and have a powerful impact on who we will become and how we will live our lives. They also are made up of people with different personalities, temperaments, preferences and many other individual characteristics. This inevitably leads to conflicts and differences that can be relationship threatening. When such situations occur, family counseling may be the answer. I can help families work through even the most challenging of disagreements and issues using therapy sessions and other techniques. Some of the most common are:
- Divorce and separation
- Parent/child conflict
- Sibling issues
- Domestic violence
- Loss of a family member
There can be deep and painful wounds associated with all of these occurrences that family counseling can address and improve. It can:
- Offer strategies for developing and maintaining boundaries.
- Foster a sense of cohesion and improve communication within families.
- Create problem-solving approaches by understanding family patterns and dynamics.
- Build empathy and understanding between family members.
- Improve conflict and family stress.
Research has revealed that family therapy is especially important when family members are struggling with behavioral issues like substance abuse and eating disorders.
Family counseling can resolve conflict and bad feelings that break families apart, enabling members to have stronger, more positive, closer relationships. Let’s start now.